1st International Conference on Neuroscience, Neuroinformatics, Neurotechnology and Neuro-Psycho- Pharmacology - 2018

The aim of the conference is to bring together experts from various areas of brain science, neuroscience, clinical neurology, psychology, pharmacology with engineers in systems science, neuroinformatics, computer science and technology in order to debate aspects of the brain and mind, to identify efficient theories, models and tools that will contribute to a better understanding of the brain and its functioning. The conference will be organized in Bucharest on 15-17 November 2018.

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Conferința Națională de Neuroștiințe, Neuroinformatică, Neurotehnologie și Neuro-Psiho-Farmacologie - 2017

Conferința Națională de Neuroștiințe, Neuroinformatică, Neurotehnologie și Neuro-Psiho-Farmacologie - ediția a II a - 17-18 Noiembrie 2017 Biblioteca Academiei Romane Bucureșt

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Cyber-Physical-Systems - Driver for innovation and Knowledge - 2014

In data de 26.09.2014, incepand cu ora 13.00 a avut loc, in Aula Bibliotecii Academiei Romane, masa rotunda, cu tema "Cyber-Physical-Systems - Driver for innovation and Knowledge", organizata de Ministerul Educatiei Nationale in colaborare cu Academia Romana, sectia de Stiinte si Tehnologia lnformatiei si Academia de Stiinte Tehnice, sectia Automatica si Electronica.

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